Can you tell I really miss Spring? I do love Winter, don't get me wrong. Rugging up and disappearing under big warm coats and jumpers whilst walking in the rain is my favourite past time, it really is.

Dress via RedZipperVintage.
Then! Oh, am I excited about these booties. You know when you see something you can't decide on but then you can't stop thinking about them? That was me, after I viewed and favourited these. I've been hanging for a pair of granny boots for the longest while. I even dreamt about them last night. They are half a size bigger than what I usually wear but I'm hoping and praying they will be okay. Goodwiu was kind and wonderful enough to put these on reserve for me as I get my Paypal account in order (nothing is worse than realising you're a few dollars short...nothing).
Shoes and dresses are precisely what the doctor ordered! Walking in the rain...are you mad??? :)
yes yes! i love walking in the rain too. everyone thinks i'm crazy because sometimes I ditch my umbrella to get soaked. hehheh
those granny booties are perfect...mmm
Awesome dress. I love the print. I have boots sort of like those. They go really well with a lot of different outfits.
Oh those shoes are so cute, very original and they look comfy to :D
I also love that dress, it is a great purchase, you need something to help you cope with those darn exams anyway ;)
super lovely shoes I like!!!!
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